Traditional small business lending sources have virtually dried up as a result of the financial crisis, with billions less in small business loans contracted in the last two years. If you’ve been forced to rely on credit cards to augment cash flow, a less costly option is available through All Key Solutions Merchant Cash Advance program
How Would your Business Improve if you had Better Access to Working Capital?
Tap into New Funds Quickly and Easily
With a simple, one page application form and no application fees, you can make use of cash advance funds in as little as 3-5 days. All Key Solutions works closely with our merchant base, can offer competitive benefits:
- High approval rates
- Minimal documentation requirements
- Speedy funding
- Unlike a loan, no fixed payment schedule
How Does it Work?
Simply sign Merchant Cash Advance contract, agreeing to sell a portion of your future credit card sales at a discount and receive a lump sum cash payment.
A specified percentage of your credit card sales are remitted to repay the Cash Advance during your standard settlement process with each day.
Why All Key Solutions?
It’s no secret there are cash advance offers popping up through the industry, so it pays to carefully scrutinize your options. Through our existing relationships we have the ability to streamline the application process considerably. We value the overall relationships with our merchants, providing a much more convenient, user-friendly experience.